Agadir Morocco: Agadir travel guide | Trip preparation — advices, tips & hints

samir sali
8 min readJan 27, 2020


Agadir Morocco

In the west of the country, bordered by the waves of the Atlantic, Agadir is one of the pearls of Morocco. Whatever the season, the sun pours its rays and the city enjoys a pleasant climate that the trade winds still soften.

Above all, its 10-kilometer-long seafront offers tourists magnificent views of the blue ocean and the opportunity to laze around in the best conditions.

The main seaside resort of the country, the city with 300 days of sunshine per year, is full of activities. At the water’s edge, cafés and restaurants open their doors to you, introduce you to the local gastronomy and submit their specialties to the enlightened judgments of your taste buds!

Further on in the city, the El Had souk spreads out through the streets, deploys its stalls: more than 6,000 shops offer themselves to your curiosity and you will enjoy strolling in this atmosphere animated by the negotiations of the merchants.

Never sleepy, the city welcomes every summer the Timitar festival dedicated to world music and more specifically to Amazigh music.

Open to the ocean and the world, Agadir is an active city where it is good to relax.

Preparing your trip to Agadir: advice & hints

When you plan to go shopping, make sure you have a sufficient quantity of money in small denominations. Sly sellers can mimic the lack of change on purpose in order to increase the price.

Bargaining is traditional for all shops and markets of the city. It is inappropriate in large supermarkets only.

Many shops and government offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Some of craftsmen and merchants close their shops on Friday as this is the day of prayers

If a local resident invites you to have a cup of tea, you shouldn’t refuse the proposal. You will certainly need to spend some time with a gracious host and thank him for the warm welcome.

You should leave tips in the local restaurants and cafes. By the way, the tips should be given directly into the arms of a waiter.

Do not leave the tips on a table. While giving the money, make sure you use your right hand. Taking charge should be also done by the same hand. In large restaurants tips can estimate up to 15% of the total bill; in smaller restaurants, a tip of 5–10% will be enough.

Agadir nature version


As a seaside city, the beautiful Agadir is not to be outdone in terms of nature and you don’t have to go far to discover its richness.

The city itself is established on one of the most beautiful treasures of nature: the Bay of Agadir since 2002 recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world.

In addition to offering wonderful corners where you can relax, it has a beautiful coastline, enchanting, sublimated by a sun setting in the ocean.

In Agadir, nature takes place in the very heart of the city. The Cocco Polizzi medina is a fine example: a little out of the way from the center, rebuilt after the 1960 earthquake, it stretches out in the middle of a eucalyptus forest.

The Valley of the Birds is another, a magnificent park open to the public free of charge, which stretches over two and a half hectares.

Pass through the gates and enter a completely different world: everywhere, alleys lined with palm trees and exotic flowers; bodies of water; birds, of course, from all over the world, but also monkeys, kangaroos or llamas who make very friendly companions!

Explore the beautiful Agadir: a city where nature has established its quarters, which conceals small rural pleasures!

The charm of the souk and the richness of Morocco’s terroir A craft with various influences


A magnificent bay, beaches as far as the eye can see and sunshine 360 days a year… So many attractions are all ready for the beautiful Agadir to which we must add the pleasures of shopping! Well located, the city benefits from a hinterland rich in local products.

It is also a meeting place where Arab-Muslim and Amazigh civilizations converge, a place that honors the small arts of everyday life!

Do your shopping in the rebuilt medina of Agadir. Wander through its bright streets perfumed by eucalyptus trees and resonating with the sound of craftsmen beating their works.

Go to the El Had souk: there you will find everything that makes the charm of the Moroccan markets. The stalls are overflowing with fresh fruit, spices too, bathing these lively streets with heady fragrances. Elsewhere, other shops are dedicated to clothing, leather and copper work.


Walking through Agadir and its region is also to discover the nomadic craftsmanship. Jewelry is particularly popular! In the Souss, in Tiznit, Inezgane, and Taroudant, craftsmen offer unique little marvels: earrings, necklaces and silver pendants decorated with coral, colored glass beads and amber.

Shopping in Agadir takes on the air of a cultural journey: from shop to shop, you will discover the little treasures of local craftsmanship!

Argan oil Morocco

The argan tree, an endemic Moroccan tree, grows all over the region. Its oil is a treasure that makes the reputation of these parts.

Leave Agadir and join one of the many cooperatives in the area. You will discover whole know-how, the manufacture of oil that Amazigh women use for food and cosmetic purposes.

By the way, why not go to a spa or one of the fitness centers in Agadir? You will enjoy all the benefits of argan and its oil often described as miraculous!

Finally, Agadir is gastronomy, the regional soil is fertile! Almond trees grow there, a thousand and one flowers too, which make honey among the most delicious of the country.

The Agadir cuisine is inspired by all these aromas and composes delicious dishes: saffron rice balls, chicken tagine with honey are all dishes that will delight your taste buds!

So much for Agadir, a city where shopping is elevated to the rank of a true art of living!

The Atlantic as a playground


Bordered by the ocean, all year round bathed in sunshine, Agadir is the capital of Moroccan seaside tourism.

Its privileged situation, its numerous hotels and leisure centers, its modern and varied infrastructures are as many opportunities to spend you. Seize them and indulge in your favorite sport in the middle of beautiful landscapes!

The city gives pride of place to nautical activities. The windswept Atlantic Ocean is a perfect playground for surfers.

Lovers of gliding, you will enjoy enjoying the waves of Taghazout, originally a small fishing village a few kilometers from Agadir and which today has a seaside resort to international standards.

In its surroundings, “Killer Point” and “Anchor point” are spots that the most experienced surfers take.

In the bay of Agadir itself, the waters are calmer. Children can frolic in complete safety, while swimmers can venture out to sea. On the beaches, the activities are varied: jet-skiing, sailing, parasailing give you the opportunity to quench your thirst for thrills!

Between the calm waters of the bay or those, more tumultuous, of Taghazout, the Atlantic Ocean around Agadir reserves you its share of leisure and emotions!

Surfer’s paradise

Taghazout surf, morocco

A few kilometers from Agadir, Taghazout offers a completely different kind of pleasure! This former fishing village is now enriched by a perfectly equipped seaside resort where surfing and gliding in all its forms are in the spotlight!

Taghazout is, first of all, a setting. Here, the panorama does not give way to that of Agadir! The sun shines here all year round and its beach, bordered by the mountains of the High Atlas, stretches over nearly 7 kilometers.

The forest of argan trees that runs alongside it offers visitors a surprising natural diversity. The seaside resort itself puts at your disposal prestigious hotels and original wooden bungalows, to spend a comfortable stay.

Taghazout is also a world-famous surfing spot. If you like gliding, you will find your happiness here: beaten by the winds, the Atlantic Ocean forms impressive rollers which have made the reputation of the site since the 70s.

Do you simply want to learn to surf? The variety of waves which break there makes it possible to practice surfing whatever your level.

A few kilometers from Agadir, come to Taghazout to enjoy an enchanting setting and the waves of the ocean.

In an Off-roader

Having started an amazing adventure in an off-road car to the southern direction from Agadir, you will be able to continuously enjoy breathtaking landscapes and drive the vehicle yourself.

You will see authentic villages of Berber, dunes, the Anti-Atlas mountain range, silver mines, Souss Valley, the Atlantic Ocean, and even the Souss Massa National Reserve that was founded in 1991. This National Reserve is home to many rare animals and birds, including rare pink flamingos.

Tourists will also be able to attend archaeological excavations in the mountains and study fossils, the age of many of which is more than 90 million years.


You are also welcome to sleep in the Sahara Desert, take a walk near spectacular Todra canyons, and follow the ancient path of saffron.

Todra canyons

There will always be an inexperienced tour guide near you, and you can specify the language that you need your guide to talk to and understand in advance. The guide will help you in any situation and tell many interesting facts.




samir sali

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