Graves Disease and hypothyroidism — 4 Herbs to Stimulate the Thyroid

samir sali
3 min readApr 4, 2020


In case of small hypothyroidism still untreated, or as a complement to the treatment in order to reduce the doses, the use of plants can be useful, here are 4 plants that stimulate the thyroid and help improve its functioning.

The ashwagandha — Withania somnifera

According to Wikipedia

Withania somnifera is cultivated in many of the drier regions of India. It is also found in Nepal, Morocco, China, and Yemen. It prefers dry stony soil with the sun to partial shade.

To propagate it can be grown from seed in the early spring, or from greenwood cuttings in the later spring.

Also known as “Indian ginseng”, it is an Indian medicinal plant used for over 3000 years for its anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac and immunostimulant properties.

In addition to its empirical use, the efficacy of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has been shown for hypothyroidism by scientific studies.

According to these studies, ashwagandha stimulates the thyroid by increasing the production of the T4 hormone.

Effective dose and form according to the review: This plant is found mainly in the form of extract (capsules) or powder.

An ashwagandha cure at a rate of 2 capsules of 450 mg per day (preferably 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening) can restore energy to all the organs affected by hypothyroidism.

In powder form, the recommended daily dose is about 5 g.

Guggul for Thyroid

The guggul is also native to India where, like Ashwagandha, it has been used therapeutically for more than 3000 years, mainly to treat arthritis, skin diseases, digestive disorders, mouth infections, excess weight… but also to stimulate the thyroid.

Scientists were then able to describe the biological effects of Guggul on thyroid homeostasis as well as on lipids.

This plant allows better assimilation of iodine and a better activity of this gland by increasing the synthesis of hormone T3 and by increasing the conversion of hormone T4 into T3.

In addition, guggul helps to limit the oxidation of liver cells, the main gland that stores the T4 hormone and converts it into T3.

Guggul will play a role in lipid metabolism and helps reduce weight gain by stimulating thyroid function.

Effective dose and form according to the review: 2 g per day of plant extract standardized to 2.5% guggulsterones.

The Coleus forskohlii — Plectranthus barbatus

This plant, of the same family as mint and nettle, was widely used in Asia for therapeutic purposes.

The coleus contains a molecule called “forskolin” which is said to be a fat burner and an antidepressant.

But, according to researchers, its virtues may just be a consequence of the normalization of thyroid function. Coleus stimulates the thyroid to produce and release the hormones T3 and T4.

Effective dose and form according to the review: 200 to 400 mg per day of standardized extract of Coleus forskohlii titrated to 10% forskolin.

Rosemary — Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary is widely used in cooking but also in herbal teas and has therapeutic properties as well.

It contains carnosic acid which stimulates the production of thyroid hormones and increases the activity of T3 hormones.

Effective dose and form: there are not enough studies to give recommendations.

Use this plant more often in cooking and make rosemary infusions to complement the use of another plant in this article.

Source: WellnesMinds



samir sali
samir sali

Written by samir sali

Wellness Minds is a general information website about wellness, health, travel, and more

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